2019 So Far

last update was january, and it hurt going through 9 months of pictures seeing how much littler they were only a short while ago :( twins turned 2 in march: no more pacifiers, full mouths of teeth, speaking in sentences, and can just about dress themselves now... they fight half the…

2019, week 1 in the books

have had to take a step back lately... i hit a new low in 2018. stress, hormones, winter, chaos of 3 kids, major career changes, anxiety, depression. everyone says twins are hard, what no one tells you about is the toll it all takes physically and mentally and hormonally. i…

They're All Grown Up

* caylin showers nightly on her own, picks out her own clothes, dresses herself, puts her dishes in the sink, packs her backpack, picks out her breakfast, can bring her sisters stuff (bottles, pacifiers, etc), plays with them in the mornings, reads to them, does all the things * the twins feed…

Months of Recaps

oh man. so many things have happened in the last few months. last post was caylin's 6th birthday. * the twins are loving daycare now. they come home completely exhausted, yes. but they love the people there. they're sick all the time, like every other week. but... it is what it…

This Week

brett's parents came to visit friday-sun. everyone went out on the boat saturday, so i got to spend saturday with the babies :) went to a get together for ashley's birthday saturday night. came home and cooked eggs and sausage at like midnight. brett's family left in the morning. i got…


i feel like a terrible mom comparing kiddo #1 to the twins. i blogged every month. that is just so hard to keep up these days. so hard. zoey and ella have 6 teeth now. ella is walking, kind of. she can take 4-5 steps. zoey can take 1-2. then…

they're 1, and she graduated

3 weeks late. better late than never. 3 kids and everything going on these days has put blogging on the backiest back burner. it kind of makes me sad, but it means that life is full. the twins turned 1 on 5/31. caylin graduated kindergarten the first week of…

Almost 1

the twins turn 1 at the end of this month. i was so diligent about writing monthly when caylin was younger. then again, i had about 9000 fewer things to worry about. that said, i still feel bad about not doing the monthlies. there are daily pictures, for sure. but…