Home Network Overhaul

[UPDATE] posted here[/UPDATE] a few months ago, i started realizing i was going to need to make some changes with regards to my infrastructure at home in general. we had a decent ASUS router at home and i set up a VPN, and i had a couple hard drives…

16 Months, And A Happy New Year

i hope everyone had an amazing christmas/holiday season/whatever you celebrate. i completely skipped over the holidays in the last entry, but i had a thought in my head and ran with it. it’s hard for me to just sit and write deliberately–lately it’s spur of…


this past week caylin started sleeping full time in her crib, which is huge. and bittersweet, like i expected. and convenient and awesome all at the same time. my mom had her napping in the crib during the day, but i still had her sleeping with me at night. i…

Poll: New Toy

brett and i are moving in less than a month to a new townhouse. this townhouse happens to have a huge garage. a garage means i will have a big space for a work bench, that could possibly become home to a new MIG welder and all of my necessary…