The Babies, They Hurt

a lot. i was reading through old blog entries, trying to see if i was anymore detailed. from what i wrote, it sounds like i was in about the same state i am now. just stupid uncomfortable. last tuesday, the doctor guestimated 6-7 weeks before the babies arrive. they’re…


back in march, i started doing crossfit again. it had been 4 years or more since i last tried it. i was unsure if it would stick, or if i’d like it more or less the second time around. i was nervous. here i am, 6 months later. i…


i went to this recipe blog post expecting to read the recipe for cinnamon roll cupcakes. never having been to this particular food blog before, i was not ready to read an actual emotional blog. i started reading it, and it hit me like a sack of bricks. i’m…

Finding Me-Time

i am realizing more and more how much i’ve neglected to take time for myself lately. it is entirely my fault, and i know that, so i really have no room to complain. but in the last week, it has become blatantly obvious that i need to step back,…


this past week caylin started sleeping full time in her crib, which is huge. and bittersweet, like i expected. and convenient and awesome all at the same time. my mom had her napping in the crib during the day, but i still had her sleeping with me at night. i…

10 Weeks, I Need To Write More

i know that i’m going to really regret not blogging more about these early months with caylin. it’s just so hard to find time to sit and just write lately. and when i do have the time, i’d rather be spending it relaxing with brett or cleaning…

My New BFF These Days

this is the only reason i’ve been able to shower the past 2 weeks, except for weekends and the few days when my mom came over. the silver lining there is that i’ve vacuumed the house quite a bit lately. the nurses told us that we’d think…

No Sleep For You!

over the last several weeks, my rib pain has turned into… skin pain? i guess? i’ve googled it dozens of times and asked my doctor, and she assures me it’s normal. and that nothing can be done until the baby comes out. which seems to be the answer…