Anxiety, Self-Image, Personal Growth

i have always struggled with anxiety, self-image, self-consciousness, self-esteem… the whole nine yards. i’m pretty sure most women do to some extent, in at least one of those areas. it can be crippling and frustrating. and it is absolutely a waste of time. i don’t say this because…

Beer + Cookies + Code, OH and San Diego

the beer and cookies and code have zero relevance to this post, other than the fact that the beer made me want to bake cookies, and the cookies reminded me that at this time last week, i was eating cheesecake in a king size bed. in a hotel suite. with…

Spelunking Over the Holidays?

it feels really weird not having a 3-week vacation for christmas. i was writing my dates on the calendar yesterday for when i was going to be taking off work and it was mildly depressing that i am only going to have 6 days of free time… instead of… 24?…

Defcon 2009

defcon was freaking amazing. i made a lot of new friends, was wined and dined by goons and geeks, even got handcuffed (and learned how to get out of them). my eyes seriously welled up when i hugged everyone goodbye and got in my cab to the airport. :cry: one…