One Eighty

i feel like that’s what has happened since i wrote this post a month ago. as far as being a mom, i feel like i’m doing my job. caylin is crazy, healthy, happy, and awesome. everything i write is full of her. clearly brett and i are doing…


let me preface this by saying, i’m unbelievably lucky. brett is amazing. caylin is amazing. our families: amazing. this house? amazing. life is fantastic, and we are unbelievably fortunate. none of the below is me complaining about my life, because there is zero to complain about. the last few…

This Is Happening, Dammit

i’m sick of feeling like shit lately. i’ve been working out at home when i can doing this workout (ad-hoc’ing on the days i “can’t” with sets of pushups/crunches/jumping jacks when i’m trying to take care of caylin AND work out). i switched…

Due For An Update

first things first! we’re having a baby girl. we found out last week that there is, for sure, a little girl in there. after about a day of thinking on it, we decided we’re naming her Caylin Corinne. Caylin because we think it’s pretty. Corinne after my…