Adult Space Camp, Day 2

our first night in the hab was… pretty rough. like i said, we went out the night before. nothing crazy, but i think we crashed around midnight-1am. not bad. i set my alarm for 6:30–we were supposed to all meet in the cafeteria at 7:30. there were…


way to go, me. yesterday, i jumped the gun by saying, “today is one of those days,” when yesterday actually turned out to be pretty damn good. and then karma came back to bite me in the ass. first of all, brett and i were woken up this morning i…

Chocolate... Diet?

i have eliminated soft drinks from my diet almost entirely. i might have one when i’m desperate, but otherwise i quit drinking them sometime this winter, for no particular reason. i guess my dental woes, which were not exactly soda-induced, made me try and avoid acidic fluids all together.…

Thanks for the Coffee, Baltimore :D

i got back from baltimore late last night. this week flew by quicker than i ever thought it would. i had heard from a handful of people how bad it was going to be (the training i attended) and to my surprise, they were SO WRONG! i don’t know…