first drink in 2 weeks is a (big) glass of wine to celebrate the end of an era 🥹🍷💙

it was me and Eric's last official day at Recon today, and next week we begin our new adventure with LimaCharlie. not goodbye for us and Recon, as we'll always have ties as co-founders and advisors, and Eric as a board member.. but it is the end of our day-to-day responsibilities there, and it is all very bittersweet.
Eric and i poured literal blood, sweat, and tears into Recon, especially in the early days, and looking back, i know it was all worth it to see what it's become... i am unbelievably proud of this team, and have loved watching our friends kick ass every day, and grow smarter better faster stronger.
as odd as it sounds, i am very emotionally tied to a lot of what i built, what we built, and letting go of it all slowly over the last few weeks has been harder than i anticipated... teaching, mentoring, documenting, handing over access, passing the torch... so that in and of itself has been a growth opportunity i wasn't expecting.
but as some wise person once said, the only constant in life is change... so here we are 🌈 🤍
let's do this.