today wasn't perfect--there were a lot of timeouts, and there was a lot of frustration between the tantrums and work and the chaos.
we meditated together this morning--for the first time, my girls joined me. there were tears of joy (mine), and all the goosebumps (also mine). it meant so much to me.
we ate a colorful, healthy breakfast.
we went on bike rides and played outside and drew all the rainbows.
we went to an amazing vegan lunch spot and we all tried something new.
we learned about new plants and bought some for our home (even knocked a few over in the store 🥴).
we cut dragon fruit into stars and gobbled it all up.
we did a 5k in the rain together, and devoured honeysuckles.
i cooked our dinner while they colored and watched movies (and fought, etc), and we had bubble baths afterwards.
we watched movies and cuddled in bed, and tickle fights before sleep.
big sister and i carried on our tradition and watched baking videos in her top bunk after the twins went to bed.
i'm sitting on my couch with thor, and just sat with rapeh again.
earlier at dinner, zoey said, "i love our house, it's full of rainbows". and it made me so happy. it's a rental, it's nothing i would've picked under different circumstances, it's nothing special on the outside, and has its fair share of issues. but i wanted the inside to become our haven, and i feel like i have absolutely done that over the last year.
i have a really hard time accepting the difficulty of 3 crazy kids and myself and not equating the hard spots (or days) with failing at being mom, and i'm working on it (daily, hourly, and especially during meditations).
before they went to sleep, zoey grabbed my arm again and wrapped me around her and said, "you're a good mommy, i love you".
today was hard, but it was absolutely beautiful.
i am so thankful for these girls and what they teach me. every. single. day.
i am so thankful for everything and everyone that has guided me down this path.
showing up for me today, again, and always, so i can be better for me, and everyone i love, today, again, and always.