I Do Not Like The Cone Of Shame!

i went and picked up loki yesterday on my lunch break, and was hugely surprised by the super huge size of the incision. i know the doctors wanted to stay on the safe side and make sure they removed the whole tumor, and that’s all i could really ask…

Successful Surgery, Waiting Game Begins

i didn’t know what to expect when i started my new job back in august, but i certainly didn’t expect to feel like family with SO many people in such a short amount of time. i was away from my desk for a few minutes this afternoon and…

Lord Help Me If I Ever Have Kids

you guys are awesome. seriously. i have to thank you guys for all the nice things you said about loki. last week i found a lump on her neck. i took her to the vet to get it checked out, and got the results back monday. the results were not…