The Big Two Five. In Photos.

to say that i’ve been blessed is an understatement, and i realize it even more so after this weekend and my birthday. i was with brett. i got to see my mom AND my dad AND my stepmom. and even though my closest friends live between 3 and 5…

Kernel Panic, Spiders, Cake

i woke up this morning relieved that i did not awake with a swollen face again. my allergies got the best of me yesterday, and it i was not pretty. i guess i’ve been used to sleeping on my pillows with the hypoallergenic cover and uh… minor reaction. i…

Attack Refrigerators and Balls

i made cake balls last night. cake balls that turned into more of… cake lumps. brett and i went the lazy route for dinner and made a freschetta pizza, and in doing so, i decided to direct all my extra energy into creating these… things. these lumps of gooey, unhealthy,…