Django, NetBeans, Pizza

last week a couple representatives from TRS Consulting and CGI came and spoke at our AITP meeting. had i known that the guys from TRS Consulting would introduce me to virtual crack, i might not have attended. :mad:

the guy that gave the presentation basically did a quick introduction to NetBeans. absolutely brilliant and very dorky man. after he spoke, i quickly informed him that i was to become his new best friend. he and his coworker invited me to join them at murphy’s (awesome little pub in boone) and had i not been stuck in the library until midnight that night, i would have gone. ANYWAY, NetBeans. :) he showed us very briefly how to make a basic web application in a matter of minutes. my response to that was, “so you can recreate Twitter in like 3 hours?”. his response–“yes”.

of course, i knew that a simple web application like Twitter could be created through a framework like this–i just never realized how (i don’t want to say easy because if it was easy i wouldn’t have lost so much sleep this week) tools like NetBeans and Django have minimized development time.

basically, i have gotten nothing of importance done today at all. adam and i woke up around noon. for the last 4 hours, he’s been playing COD4 yelling at his roommate who is 10 feet away in the living room and i’ve been laying next to him staring at the terminal coding away breaking things. i said, “i’m hungry”, and he pulled up, threw me the credit card, and we went on in our little worlds. i’d also like to add that it is a gorgeous, sunny day outside. o_0 THIS IS PATHETIC.

with that said, i just created my first second “web application”, if you could even call it that, with Django. i created my first “web application” on NetBeans after my meetings the other night. let’s just say… that it involved unicorns. :blush: my second one is a bit more “sophisticated”. when i say sophisticated, i mean it does not include any imaginary creatures or references to weird body parts. to create my second “web application”, i followed this tutorial on Django’s website and have tweaked it enough to know what i’m doing now. definitely one of the best tutorials i’ve tried out for this sort of thing so far.

i have justified my lack of exercise and sunshine today with 2 excuses: 1) i now have something else to put on my resume AND 2) the “web application” i created actually works. HA! days like today are when i really can’t wait until i start working and can invest in a Wii Fit.