Finding Me-Time

i am realizing more and more how much i’ve neglected to take time for myself lately. it is entirely my fault, and i know that, so i really have no room to complain. but in the last week, it has become blatantly obvious that i need to step back,…

A Year Ago

holy crap, it’s been a year already. i feel like just yesterday i was freaking out about not only being pregnant, but how we were going to plan a wedding in less than a month! i still have the wedding planning spreadsheet in my google docs. and then i…

Things To Remember

this is me starting a new trend for myself. i’ve been emailing myself snippets of memories and saving them randomly in evernote but i’ve never actually PUT them anywhere (unless they turned into tweets). so this will be that repository from now on. too many little things have…

Self Reflection

and hatred (not a totally new thing). brett and i don’t fight or argue or even bicker often. i can count on one hand the number of times we’ve had a memorable upset. if and when we do, it’s over relatively quickly. like, less than 20 minutes.…

Surprisingly Not Totally Exhausted

at least not yet. brett has been out on travel since monday, so i’ve been on my own with caylin in the evenings. well, 2 nights my mom stayed here but she was pretty much passed out by 8 :) but it’s the middle of the week and i’…


i’m not really sure what hit me on monday, but i gave loki a bath, cleaned the house, and then decided that i wanted to go buy zumba for my wii. their marketing team must be getting paid great because right after i saw the commercial, i got off…

10 Weeks, I Need To Write More

i know that i’m going to really regret not blogging more about these early months with caylin. it’s just so hard to find time to sit and just write lately. and when i do have the time, i’d rather be spending it relaxing with brett or cleaning…

Being A Mom Is Amazing

last time i blogged, i had a hunch that the doctor did something right and put my body in motion to go into labor. and it turns out she did, because the night after i wrote that, at 1:22 AM, i started having contractions. brett and i had just…