i started to write a facebook post when i got home tonight about the Women in Tech event i attended this evening, and then i realized it was worth its own blog post.
a few other girls from work and i attended the Women in Tech event tonight at the charleston digital corridor FS2 facility downtown.
this place is beautifully redone inside. you wouldn’t know it from driving by just how awesome it is. i’d been there once before for a CODEcamp class–it was much emptier, halls were practically silent, a few people roaming the halls. a few scattered in offices.
i got there tonight… and there was barely room to walk around. i mean, within 5 minutes i was freaking out due to the sheer volume of people. i caught myself a few times saying how uncomfortable i was, simply because of that fact. i don’t do well in crowds. not ones where i actually have to mingle and talk/meet new people. i get so nervous.
and then it dawned on me.
a tech event! that is SO jam packed full… OF WOMEN!!! 100+!
a tech event! crowded with enough women to nearly give me an anxiety attack!
a tech event! where the bartenders were men, and the attendees were women.
there was no formal advertising–just word of mouth and a little bit of social media. there were cookies galore, beer, and wine. there were excellent panels put on by inspirational women from all kinds of backgrounds. students, professionals, and familiar faces from all over the low country.
so bring on the crowds, ladies. tonight’s event was awesome, and i can’t wait to have an almost-anxiety attack at the next one.