i’ve been slacking so bad on this website. i need to make a new layout and i need to update more and put pictures up because i have a bunch of cute ones from this week. brian, brandon, and zack came up so morgan and i hung out with all of them and a few other people that i didn’t know came up from winston and morgan’s roommate and her sister and all their friends. it was a lot more people than i expected and we had a good time running around boone. they didn’t bring the bikes up this time because it was a bit chilly but maybe next time.
i’ve made all As and Bs on my exams so i’m pretty excited about that. i’ve been doing good aside from missing biology. i’ve missed a quiz but i’ll be okay. i got a ride from rob this morning because i missed the appalcart. damn thing came 4 minutes early. soo… i ended up just coming into work at 8 and i’ve been here ever since. jennifer, rachel, and i have been entertaining ourselves on the mac and contorting eachother’s faces in photobooth. we had hardee’s and chocolate for breakfast so we’re all good to go until we crash from a sugar overdose.
i got paid last night so i went to wal-mart and got groceries and dog food/treats and halloween stuff for the kitchen. i was in the crafty section and found those molds that you put chocolate in to make chocolate pops and i spent about an hour last night making skulls and bats and witches and pumpkins so i had something to look forward to in the morning. they are SO good and i’m making more when i get home. i also got a sudoku poster for the kitchen and halloween-ish tablecloth/placemats. it looks very festive in our apartment now although i’m not sure how thrilled mary ruth will be. oh well. she’s not there that much as it is.
if you’re a nerd, you will greatly appreciate this website. i just bought the “:: D0n”t dirnk & blog ::” t-shirt and hopefully it will be in my possession in about 6 days.
and now for the highlight of my week… ADAM CALLED YESTERDAY!!! i was so happy to hear his voice. i’d been at work for not even an hour and i was already pissed off to no end and the phone rang and the clouds lifted and angels sang and birds were chirping and i was totally not giving a shit about anything else going on because it’d been over a week since we’d spoken. there was good news and bad news and some really close calls but everyone is okay this time around. thank god. i just want them to come home. he has 2 disposable cameras so hopefully i’ll be able to get pictures from him soon. i’m going to send another little package today if i can.
this weekend is homecoming and it’s going to be absolutely insane. i don’t even know who we’re playing but shawnee is supposed to come tomorrow and adam is on a canoe trip so jill will be tailgating with us wherever we end up and it’s going to be awesome. i might go by the bookstore and buy a jersey since i’ve been wanting one for 3 years now and haven’t gone to get one.
here are the results of boredom at tech. support.
i’m going to attempt to be productive. :blush: