almost friday… 10.30.03 | 11:14 AM | posted by whit
this week has gone by so fast, and now today is dragging sooo slowly. it’s pissing me off. i don’t have any tests today, which is amazing. but i have to work tonight so that still kinda bites. tomorrow is friday, and halloween! hopefully it’ll be a good day… what a bummer that SATs are saturday. that really screws over my friday night!
i’m gonna go to lunch. i’m getting pictures developed either this afternoon or tomorow afternoon. i’ve got 2 or 3 cameras filled up… this should be good =)
pics are up 10.28.03 | 08:40 PM | posted by whit
heh, the rest of the fair pictures are up. man, that was a fun night. i usually hate scanning pictures but i had to scan these.
school wasn’t too bad today. i understand chemistry now, and i feel fairly good about my calculus test. i at least know i got the big 20 point question right… which is great ’cause i was skeptical about it when i walked out of the room this afternoon. but it’s all good now.
i went to best buy and applebees with scott and thomas tonight… so much fun. thomas’s food was burnt and scott spent $20 and i realized i wasn’t as hungry as i thought i was when i walked in. still had fun though.. i was gonna go back to scott’s, but i figured i’d go home early for a change and spare the gas money.
shane called tonight… always good to hear from him. 15 more days!
i’m gonna go do chemistry homework and then i might get to crash early again tonight.
happy early birthday ry~ry! i