
last week and this week, caylin has learned to entertain herself (when she’s wide awake and not hungry, at least). i don’t know what happened. it felt almost like it was overnight. put her in her bouncer, and bam. she goes to town. put her in the jumper,…

Surprisingly Not Totally Exhausted

at least not yet. brett has been out on travel since monday, so i’ve been on my own with caylin in the evenings. well, 2 nights my mom stayed here but she was pretty much passed out by 8 :) but it’s the middle of the week and i’…

Happy Holidays, Internets

another 3 weeks have gone by and i’ve completely neglected writing about it. ugh. caylin’s accomplishments at 3 months/3 weeks… * we have semi giggles! they sound weird and sometimes turn to coughs, but it’s infectious! * she can roll onto her back! all by herself! she kind…

Time is Flying

last friday marked 3 months since caylin was born. oh my lord. somehow it feels SO much longer, but it still feels like it was yesterday. how is that possible? how is it that such huge life events feel so close yet so far away? i don’t understand. girl…


i’m not really sure what hit me on monday, but i gave loki a bath, cleaned the house, and then decided that i wanted to go buy zumba for my wii. their marketing team must be getting paid great because right after i saw the commercial, i got off…

10 Weeks, I Need To Write More

i know that i’m going to really regret not blogging more about these early months with caylin. it’s just so hard to find time to sit and just write lately. and when i do have the time, i’d rather be spending it relaxing with brett or cleaning…

7 Weeks Down

yesterday marked 7 weeks since caylin was born. it’s weird because it hardly feels like it’s been 7 weeks (feels like just yesterday), but at the same time it feels like we’ve had her forever. maybe it’s because she’s glued to either me or brett…

My New BFF These Days

this is the only reason i’ve been able to shower the past 2 weeks, except for weekends and the few days when my mom came over. the silver lining there is that i’ve vacuumed the house quite a bit lately. the nurses told us that we’d think…