13 Months

i have been procrastinating for 2 days to write this entry. it usually doesn’t take this much convincing, but i feel like so much has happened in the past month that writing about it will hardly do it any justice. caylin turned 13 months old on monday. holy shitballs.…

Hindsight is 20/20

it was so much easier to plan meals for the week before we had caylin. and that is ENTIRELY because it is SO hard to cook even a barely-complicated dinner with a baby who constantly wants to play (which is awesome, no doubt–not complaining, i’m explaining). running around,…

1 Year Gone By

please god, slow down. everything. it feels like ever since we found out we were pregnant, like, EVERYTHING HAPPENED. and fast. too fast. caylin’s birthday party was a hit, but before i get to that, 1 year milestones: * she’s trying to walk. she only needs to hold onto…

Caylin's 1st Birthday Preparations

the birthday girl when she woke up this morning :)[![20130830_093245](/content/images/2013/08/20130830_093245-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/08/20130830_093245.jpg) the birthday girl when she came to work with me this morning :) sat in my cube and played and hung out with me for a…

Long Weekend, Hackathon, 1 Year

this weekend was sparc’s 3rd annual hackathon. i had been looking forward to this weekend since the last hackathon, 5 days before caylin was born, knowing good and well that i wouldn’t be pregnant for this one. to say i was pumped was the understatement of the century.…


i went to this recipe blog post expecting to read the recipe for cinnamon roll cupcakes. never having been to this particular food blog before, i was not ready to read an actual emotional blog. i started reading it, and it hit me like a sack of bricks. i’m…

Anxiety, Self-Image, Personal Growth

i have always struggled with anxiety, self-image, self-consciousness, self-esteem… the whole nine yards. i’m pretty sure most women do to some extent, in at least one of those areas. it can be crippling and frustrating. and it is absolutely a waste of time. i don’t say this because…

11 Months, And Exhausted

i hate that i’ve only been posting once a month lately. i have allowed myself almost no down time in the last few weeks. i have stayed up past 3 AM more times in the last month than i have in the last like 2 years combined, at least.…