This Year So Far In Review?

not only have i slacked on caylin posts, since i haven’t posted a caylin post since her last birthday, i’ve slacked on everything else. i never wrote about shmoocon, or disney. never ever going on a holiday weekend again! need to write a post just for the last…

2 Incredible Years, Surgery, Recovery, Etc

caylin turned 2 saturday. two. TWO. T – W – O. sweet jesus, WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE. this has been… the wildest, most unexpected 2 years of my life. i’ve said this probably hundreds of times at this point, but being a mom is nothing like i ever imagined or…

1 Year Gone By

please god, slow down. everything. it feels like ever since we found out we were pregnant, like, EVERYTHING HAPPENED. and fast. too fast. caylin’s birthday party was a hit, but before i get to that, 1 year milestones: * she’s trying to walk. she only needs to hold onto…

Caylin's 1st Birthday Preparations

the birthday girl when she woke up this morning :)[![20130830_093245](/content/images/2013/08/20130830_093245-768x1024.jpg)](/content/images/2013/08/20130830_093245.jpg) the birthday girl when she came to work with me this morning :) sat in my cube and played and hung out with me for a…

Long Weekend, Hackathon, 1 Year

this weekend was sparc’s 3rd annual hackathon. i had been looking forward to this weekend since the last hackathon, 5 days before caylin was born, knowing good and well that i wouldn’t be pregnant for this one. to say i was pumped was the understatement of the century.…

11 Months, And Exhausted

i hate that i’ve only been posting once a month lately. i have allowed myself almost no down time in the last few weeks. i have stayed up past 3 AM more times in the last month than i have in the last like 2 years combined, at least.…


let me preface this by saying, i’m unbelievably lucky. brett is amazing. caylin is amazing. our families: amazing. this house? amazing. life is fantastic, and we are unbelievably fortunate. none of the below is me complaining about my life, because there is zero to complain about. the last few…

The Big Two Five. In Photos.

to say that i’ve been blessed is an understatement, and i realize it even more so after this weekend and my birthday. i was with brett. i got to see my mom AND my dad AND my stepmom. and even though my closest friends live between 3 and 5…