New Toy

i made a little extra money today and decided to buy myself an early birthday present. i haven’t bought a new camera in over 3 and a half years and the 2 cameras i own have seen better days. much better.

a buddy from work and i went to wal-mart tonight and i bought this cute little thing. keyword = WATERPROOF. i’m going to tidy up the apartment tomorrow after work and take some pictures of the new place. my family hasn’t even seen it since i’ve gotten “fully” moved in. i say fully because there are still 3 boxes of crap i don’t know what to do with. o_0 i’m getting there.

after wal-mart, we ate dinner at on the border and he took this picture of me sitting at the table. here i am in awe of my new toy. i really do look 15.

also, i absolutely love my job. :blush: